1 TSP - Smoked Garlic
1 TSP - Smoked Paprika
1/4 TSP - Smokey Chipotle
1 TSP - Canadian Smoke
2 Cups ( bundle of fresh) - Cooked Spinach
1/2 Cup ( 6 strips) - Bacon
1 Cup - Chopped Artichoke hearts
1 Cup - Cream Cheese
1/2 Cup - Sour Cream
1/2 Cup - Greek Yogurt
1 Cup - Parmesan
1 - Sourdough Bread Bowl
Boil Spinach until soft, approx. 15 minutes. Drain/press water out of spinach. Mix spices, cream cheese, sour cream and yogurt in a bowl. Add spinach artichoke heats half the bacon and parmesan, mix well.
Cut the top of the bread bowl off ( cut on an angle towards the middle), and put the dip inside the bowl.
Layer the top with remaining cheese and bacon. Bake for approx. 10 minutes on 350F, and then broil for a minute to crisp up the top layer.
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